‘They’ve given me ten days’, he said. Large eyes looked out from a drawn and discoloured face, but the hands were calm, resting on the bed covers. ‘I would have liked longer with the grandchildren. They’re so young. But I’ve been very blessed’.
Wistful, but not sad.
One might expect despair, hopelessness, even anger, but the atmosphere in the hospital room was of complete peace. His wife reached out and took his hand.
‘We’ve had a wonderful life together. We’re thankful to God for every minute, for giving us so much’. Her eyes filled and the tears began to escape, yet a brave smile was wavering as she clung to the man she had shared her life with.
When I think back now, what remains with me is the overwhelming love contained in that small room. Death was hovering at the door, but the elderly couple were overflowing with thanks for what they had had together, and their faith humbled me to my core. I was privileged to glimpse the intimacy of two lives intertwined, who together were facing the end with what could be called joy – joy!
Joy in the face of death. Love beyond words.
God must have been holding that quiet room in his arms, as he welcomed his beloved son home.
