It is new year’s day. The first day. Poignancy is in the air. The early setting sun to one side of me casts golden light onto the underside of scudding clouds, misting the sky with a mellow buttery gleam. The dazzling glory of the sinking ball of fire peeps out in farewell, brilliance being tucked away for another night; but not before a final hurrah of splendour that causes me to draw breath in awe. To my other side, becoming even bolder in the spitting small drops, a rainbow arcs over the houses, sitting at the end of the horizon in front of me. As I drive towards it, it brightens, glowing with promise and hope.
Last night people talked of resolutions, of attempts to exist in the world in a better way. My resolution is gifted to me by this rainbow. Mine is to remember. Remember the tears, the heartache, the anxiety and unknowing, the blank of an anchorless future crashing down over and over again. And then remember the rainbow.
Remember the gifts, the blessings poured out so lavishly I feel bewildered by it. That the life I lead is full to overflowing, full of joy beyond reckoning or reason, that love and friendship surround me, and that God is always, always, always there. One set of footprints through the darkest storm. ‘I carried you’ whispers the rainbow.
It is new year’s day, and the rainbow has been indelibly made my gift. Given by God, given in love, given by the fire and rain dancing together in the sky.
