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Good Friday Lament

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

Forgotten me, abandoned me?

Turned aside and shut your eyes,

withdrawn your guiding hand?

My God why have you left me? Alone in pain and blood,

surrounded on all sides by those who mock me,

spurn my cries, await my demise,

call down judgement from above.

My God, my rock, my fortress,

my safe place to run in storms,

You’ve left me out to dry and die

and garnished me with thorns.

My God where is your presence now?

You promised not to hide, but all I know is emptiness

while your care seems further than the skies

which pour out darkness on my soul.

My God, keep not your face from me

for I am spent with tears. I cannot find you

though we are one. Myself asunder torn

I hang alone.

My hour has come.


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